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Joined 27 September 2021

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It’s quite common for countries in Asia to serve dog meat. Yes. They breed dogs in some of the most horrific conditions, and then eat them. Never mind puppy mills, ...

China has a new attraction - the Polar Bear Hotel. It forms part of the Harbin sealife and polar exhibit. But that’s no excuse for the barren enclosures and constant ...

Imagine spending every waking hour of every day completely alone.  Never seeing anyone.  Never talking to anyone.  The only interaction you have with other living beings is when they stare at you, flash ...

On a cloudy day in September, locals went on their traditional whale hunt. This happens once a year in the Faroe Islands. Only hunters with permits are allowed to take ...

While the world struggles with the illegal animal trade one Chinese businessman in Cambodia seems to be above the law. His pet lion went viral on TikTok after he posted ...

Animal City in Lebanon has come to our attention because of this video: As you can see, the poor lion is obviously distressed. He’s angry and frustrated. But the girls in ...

Despite overwhelming evidence that orcas suffer immensely in captivity, the Miami Seaquarium in Florida and Marineland Antibes in France continue to confine these social, intelligent, and sensitive animals to small ...

Over the last year, things have gone from bad to worse for Kiska. This orca is the last orca at Marineland, Canada. She lives in a tank all by herself.  ...