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Declawed and defanged Lion Returned to Captor – Speak up for his release now!

Declawed and defanged Lion Returned to Captor – Speak up for his release now!
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While the world struggles with the illegal animal trade one Chinese businessman in Cambodia seems to be above the law. His pet lion went viral on TikTok after he posted videos. But he didn’t quite get the attention he was looking for. People were outraged. Why? Because keeping a pet lion in a city is illegal – and considered animal abuse. Not to mention the fact that the poor lion has been declawed and defanged since a very young age – something that drastically lowers his already poor quality of life.

What happened next?

[His future was looking brighter, but not for long. Wildlife Alliance had him, but only for a while]

Cambodian authorities stepped in and took the lion to Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Center (PTWRC). Here he would live a relatively normal life. After all, it is illegal to keep exotic wildlife at home. And this lion is a very rare imported breed. All was looking bright for the lion – until Cambodia’s Prime Minister stepped in:

The poor lion is back with his owner now. This might sound sweet, and the owner does want to work with the zoo to keep the lion in tip-top shape, but there’s a catch.

Fatal Attraction

The owner has set up fences to keep the lion contained, but he also mentions that people are allowed to come and look at the lion any time between 9am and 5pm. That means this lion is now left with a smaller space to live in AND he’s a local attraction. This combination can become lethal.

Large mammals don’t do well in captivity. Lions are no different. If he doesn’t get the right care and attention he will become aggressive. He might attack people. He might escape his enclosure. And the poor boy already looks a bit worse for wear with those hip bones poking out.

Now is your chance to take action! Save this poor lion from a life of entertainment by signing the petition and adding your voice to the cause. Let the Prime Minister of Cambodia know that he has made the wrong decision. If this lion does anything to hurt anyone he’ll probably be shot. And the biggest reason he’ll hurt people is because he isn’t being taken care of properly. Help him find a safe home. Sign the petition below.

30 September 2021

325 Supporters

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Letter to

Dear Hun Sen

While it’s admirable that you care for the emotional wellbeing of the lion’s owner and sent the lion back to his “family” this was not the right call. When it comes to the welfare of this illegally imported exotic animal, it’s best for him to be sent to a sanctuary where he will receive proper care and attention.


Wild animals are not meant to be kept in small spaces. The chances that this lion will develop serious health and behavioral issues are very big. While his owner might love him, he doesn’t have the knowledge or experience - never mind the space - to keep this animal comfortable and healthy. This will probably result in a fatal disaster for the lion or an innocent bystander.


Please reconsider your decision to declare this a “special case”. Everyone involved may have the best intentions at heart, but history has shown that lions never lose their wild streak. Have mercy on the poor animal who already suffers a low quality of life - let him be taken to the appropriate facilities where he can live a relatively normal and happy life.


Sincerely yours, and all those that signed.


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Help An Animal Admin Help An Animal Admin started this petition

3 years ago

325 Supporters
675 needed to reach 1,000
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