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Each signature is a Kiss for Kiska – the Saddest Orca in the World

Each signature is a Kiss for Kiska – the Saddest Orca in the World
22,4K view

Over the last year, things have gone from bad to worse for Kiska. This orca is the last orca at Marineland, Canada. She lives in a tank all by herself.  The isolation first started getting people’s attention in March, when this aerial footage was uploaded to YouTube:

By September Kiska had started banging her head against the side of the enclosure:

Why is Kiska so sad?

Kiska was captured decades ago. She has spent most of her life in a tank. So why is she suddenly so lonely? Well, she has no friends. Whales are social creatures and orcas form family pods that stay together for generations. 

But questions about the health of big creatures at Marineland have been making the news. Ten beluga whales died in the span of just one year. That isn’t normal. It could mean that the whales and dolphins at this amusement park aren’t healthy, to begin with.

[I hate this tank, I hate my life]

A Renewed Petition

A formal complaint was lodged in 2018 against Marineland to release Kiska or at the very least move her to an animal sanctuary. But since then things have changed. Canada has declared marine mammals as “sentient beings” – so they have emotions and can think fr themselves. That should make Kiska’s case more of a concern – but governing bodies don’t know how to deal with this new law, and they’re taking their time to figure it out.

You can help to move the process along by adding your signature to our petition today. Kiska needs our help – desperately. She needs to be with friends, before she decides that living in a tank alone isn’t worth it anymore…

[Join the movement, sign the petition and give Kiska a Kiss <3 ]

5 September 2021

2,463 Supporters

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Letter to

Dear Marineland


Kiska and your other large mammals are obviously not happy where they are. Since they have been declared sentient beings their use as entertainment, or even their capture in general should be outlawed. 


This orca is obviously suffering from depression and looks to be engaging in more self-harming behaviors as time goes by. Please do the right thing and let her go to a place where she’ll be happy.


Sincerely yours, and all those that signed.


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Help An Animal Admin Help An Animal Admin started this petition

3 years ago

2,463 Supporters
1,537 needed to reach 4,000
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