It’s quite common for countries in Asia to serve dog meat. Yes. They breed dogs in some of the most horrific conditions, and then eat them. Never mind puppy mills, this is next-level horror for our beloved canine friends.
Warning the following video is NOT pleasant:
But South Korea’s President has suggested that they might be banning dog meat from their menus in the not too distant future. This is a massive deal for animal activists around the world.
Moon Jae-in is an Animal Lover at Heart
South Korea’s president loves his pets – and he’s the first leader to allow a stray dog into the Blue House.

The president asked the Prime Minister if the time hasn’t come to take dogs off the menu by instating an outright ban. This came after the popularity of dog meat has been declining steadily. People are realizing that this tradition isn’t very well received by the rest of the world – and that dogs make better pets than dinner.
Turning a New Page
Unfortunately, an outright ban is the only way dogs will stay off the menu for good in South Korea. And that might take some time. The Prime Minister hasn’t made any formal announcements about when this will happen.
Luckily, the “cruel slaughter of animals” has been outlawed since the 2018 Panangean Winter Olympics – but the jury is still out on when the total ban will be instated. Help keep the ball rolling by signing the petition. The more people speak up with the president, the sooner dogs won’t have to worry about becoming someone’s lunch.